Van a disculpar la poliglotez, which is a bad joke. Porque escribo en inglés y en holandés con demasiados errores. Así que mi resumen de noticias, links y demás parafernalia incluye artículos en otros idiomas, pero mis comentarios irán en español. A ver cuanto dura.
Author: Fabián
Música (I)
Hace un tiempo descubrí a Colin Stetson, cuando salió su album All this I do for glory, un tremendo saxofonista. Se suponía que iba a venir a tocar en el AB, en Bruselas, pero el concierto fue cancelado (sin que yo me haya enterado el porqué). En todo caso, ahora tiene otro proyecto: Ex Eye, una banda de metal (pa’ simplificar), con un disco muy bueno, también en Bandcamp.
I link you (I)
Things picked here and there:
Hau Chan, a computer scientist now at Harvard University who was presenting the work, responded that he couldn’t be sure how the new tool would be used. “I’m just an engineer,” he said. Lemoine quoted a lyric from a song about the wartime rocket scientist Wernher von Braun, in a heavy German accent: “Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down?” Then he angrily walked out
This is the same kind of irresponsible answer engineers, developers, and professionals in general without a political stand will make. It makes me think of this Radiolab episode, where a engineer said exactly the same: “I’m just an engineer”.
Somebody mentioned this book The Technological Society.
Further you could also read this article on MIT Tech Review: Bias already exists in search engine results, and it’s only going to get worse
- The Building Blocks of Interpretability. This is complicated, but very interesting. I remember this series a saw a time ago in youtube (yikes!) > Learning to See. What I enjoyed the most is also the way I have to think about what “seeing” means. Teaching is the best way of learn.
About Programming:
- Async iterators and generators
- @mpjm is talking about Observable an interesting playbook (?) for js? oriented to data analyse?
- javascript re template for regex
About other things in the thing:
- Salon mines in readers’ browsers — usual false claims in FAQ about “unused computing power”
- Why I Quit Google to Work for Myself
- LittleThings shuts down, a casualty of Facebook news feed change funny (or sadly) enough the next quote has to do with this:
The final army is led by The Four Horsemen: Amazon, Google, Facebook and Apple, the four most influential and dominant technology companies on the planet. (In past lives I’ve been a soldier for two of The Four, Amazon and Facebook). Whether it’s selling ads or storing data, The Four have become the nerve center of businesses all across the world and therefore take a cut from almost every business, regardless of whether it’s winning or losing its own particular battle for market share.
Taken from the Run Less Software, on Intercom. An article meant to hire new people I think. It says some interesting things, but also a lot of startups blah blah.
Nice stand on diversity from Access Now’s Open letter to the organizers of the RSA Conference
How did this happen? It’s hard to believe it is for lack of knowledge of the issues raised by lack of representation at panels and events. Women and TGNC individuals across the internet have raised alarm bells on this very issue for years. There are many resources for conference organizers, including the Geek Feminism Wiki, for example, with lists of diverse speakers in the tech field. Remarkably, despite these resources, many events beyond RSA Conference still fail to achieve even a modicum of diversity. However, as organizers of a series of conferences that attract a larger audience “than any other conference out there,” it is your responsibility to be aware of these issues and ensure proper representation.
Installing Debian in Local Server (II)
The first part of this note-to-self will come later. And it’s about the decisions I made configuring the HDD’s.
Sudo wasn’t installed by default (installing from dvd’s), so I logged in as root
: su -
apt-get install sudo
didn’t help, because the sources.list
was looking for the dvd’s, so i changed it.
In vi /etc/apt/sources.list
I commented out the dvd sources:
#deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 9.3.0 _Stretch_ - Official amd64 DVD Binary-1 xxx]/ stretch contrib main #deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 9.3.0 _Stretch_ - Official amd64 DVD Binary-2 xxx]/ stretch contrib main #deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux 9.3.0 _Stretch_ - Official amd64 DVD Binary-3 xxx]/ stretch contrib main
And I added/uncommented the right ones:
deb stretch main deb-src stretch main deb stretch/updates main contrib deb-src stretch/updates main contrib deb stretch-updates main contrib deb-src stretch-updates main contrib
Then I installed sudo apt-get install sudo
, and I added my user as sudoer
: adduser username sudo
, and lastly I restarted the Terminal.
Further I installed Guake and Vim: sudo apt-get install guake vim
- debian 8.1.0 jessie – sudo fix (not installed by default)
su - && aptitude install sudo && adduser username sudo
will work as well.- debian will install
during installation if there isn’t a root password specified when prompted.
- Debian Sources List Generator
- In github’s Guake they recommended:
sudo apt-get build-dep guake
. About differences betweenapt-get install
andapt-get build-dep
: What’s the difference between apt-get install and apt-get build-dep?
- debian 8.1.0 jessie – sudo fix (not installed by default)
So… here i go again.

Ya pasaron los exámenes, y aprobé ambos. De paso me crucé, gracias a una de las clases con un libro muy interesante sobre sistemas operativos. Fui al teatro a ver una obra con la que aluciné, Ghost de Abattoir Fermé y a ver otra que no me gustó tanto, de un grupo de teatro bastante nuevo, con gente joven. El domingo pasado vi a Mogwai, y ¡gocé como chancho en chiquero llovido! (?). Unos tremendos maestros los escoceses.
También vi un show unipersonal de un chico que dicen es la próxima figura del circo en Bélgica: Etienne Saglio. Pero de esto quiero escribir. Porque además, escuchando música empecé a hacer conexiones improbables con Joan As Police Woman, Radiohead, Franz Kafka y la influencia evangélica en la cultura pop de la discapacidad física (¿cómo será que se dice ahora?).
En fin, además también me estoy debiendo la segunda parte de la historia personal del fútbol, y la verdad, muchas ganas de ponerme un poco más escribidor. Prometo hacerlo, el comienzo del 2014 ha sido bastante agitado, y por eso mismo, excelente-lindo-copado-calidá. Trabajo, la escuela que no para, lecturas, conciertos, pelis, y las cotidianidades del hogar. Ojalá para ustedes también, o no. Depende de cómo se mire, y lo que se busque también.